Goa, also known as the “Pearl of the Orient” or the “Rome of the East” is located on the Western coast of India. The beaches here are one of the most popular tourist destinations in India. Not only is it filled with natural beauty, but also well known for the centuries old churches, temples and old homes. It has a very different cultural feel than the rest of India, mostly due to the four centuries of isolation from the rest of the nation due to Portuguese colonization. The residences of Goa hold very dearly to this identity, a difference which can be seen in the diversity of cuisine and the different types of festivals celebrated year round.
For other people, Goa is synonymously associated with their marvelous beaches. With hundreds of amazing beaches and multiple resorts to choose from, Goa Beaches are the best place to go if you want to kick back and enjoy the sun. The well maintained resorts offer full packages including residence in separate lodges, delicious buffets of food for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, sports facilities like tennis courts and indoor swimming pools, and even complimentary classes in pottery and other recreational activities. Make sure to consider Goa as you plan your trip to India.