Gastric Ballooning

In this procedure an intragastric balloon made with silicone is placed in stomach. This balloon is inflated with air or saline for about 500 to 700 ml. The space occupied by the balloon in the stomach allows less space for food. So after eating very little food you will feel full. Together with diet and life style modification desired weight loss is achieved gradually.

This procedure is temporary and balloon is left in stomach for 6 months. This procedure is suitable for those candidates who are not fit for other surgical interventions.

This procedure act as a bridge between laparoscopic and open bariatric surgery. Complications of gastric ballooning are minimal. This procedure can be performed as day care surgery so you don’t have to stay in hospital for long time.

This procedure can be performed under general or local anesthesia. Balloon is passed in stomach through mouth by a special instrument called endoscope. This procedure can be done within 20 to 30 minutes. You can be discharged from hospital after short period of recovery.

Weight loss depends upon how strictly on can adhere with diet and life style modification.

Balloon can be removed after six months through endoscope under day care procedure once weight loss is achieved. This procedure is superior to other operative procedure as complications are minimal and no need to structurally change digestive tract permanently.



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