Duodenal Switch

This surgery combines restrictive and malabsorptive component of bariatric surgery. Stomach size is reduced by vertical sleeve gastrectomy which is attached to small intestine and 5/6 part of digestive tract is bypassed. In this procedure only 85-100 cm of common digestive channel is created where food can mix with digestive juices. By this arrangement less fat and calories are digested and absorbed. This operation cannot be reversed but if malabsorption is severe then it can be revised to reduce the level of malabsorption. Lifelong mineral and multivitamin supplements are necessary after this procedure. This operation changes the anatomy of digestive tract at great extent so clear understanding is necessary for obese patients to accept life style changes throughout life. Adjustment through new digestive tract sometimes require to pass through periods of nausea, vomiting and diarrhoea. Proper nursing care is required for this period. Duodenum and pyloric valve of the stomach are kept intact in this surgery. In malabsorptive component of duodenal switch surgery small intestine is rearranged in such a way that food mixes with bile and pancreatic juices for only last 18 to 24 inches of common channel. Candidates with BMI more than 40 or BMI more than 30 with associated conditions like heart disease, type 2 diabetes, sleep apnoea are suitable for this surgery. This surgery is also effective in candidates with BMI more than 50 compared to Roux en-y gastric bypass. This surgery is performed under general anesthesia either laparoscopically or as open abdomen surgery. Take advantage of our experienced and qualified team of gastrosurgeons and nurses in JCI and NABH accredited hospitals across India. Visit our website to choose state of the art facilities performing major bariatric surgeries.

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